21 Mar 2025


On Monday the gastroenteritis was officially cured, and the restaurant reopened, and most importantly, our games were back too ! A local school had sent us six apprentices, five boys and one girl. Amongst the boys were real twins and it was impossible to see who was who. They had to lead the activities. 

Unfortunately they had chosen "Art" and the art was painting Easter eggs on cardboard plates. I really didn't feel like playing kindergarten games, so I sat in the sun in the park and took my first sunbath of the year ! Several did the same, the person who had given this idea had no idea of old people. Or they had painted wonderful paintings and felt the same as me, or they hands were trembling. There were very few who participated.

I took a photo of the result ! There is no difference between a 6 year old or an 80 year old drawing ! Strange that I have noticed that only now !

Here are our students

Fortunately we played bowling the next day, which was very funny, of course the material was soft ! I won ! (for once)
The next morning, Madam Glou glou (our alcoholic friend) asked me if I could drive her to her car, she had been stopped in the evening by the police and was not allowed to drive home with her car. The two policemen were very friendly and drove her home. (If she gets a fine, then it will be expensive and probably she has to give her driver license).
Of course I did it with pleasure and we chatted in the car. I didn't tell her that she should be careful I think when you are 86 it doesn't matter, she has to decide for herself.
I went shopping with Jeanine, she wanted a special  cheese and I needed my fruits. After that, we had a coffee in a new Snackbar. When we came back they just had finished their "painting" and we joined them for another coffee.
Today it was cloudy but warm, 20°C. Since the students had drawing on the menu again, I quickly went to the pharmacy and wanted to wait until the masterpieces were finished. 
But there was another student there who wanted to work in special effects in the film industry and who came from another school, she was looking for me, because she needed me to make sounds and grimacing. I also had to make a pub for coffee, I had to laugh, and sneeze. She had asked me if I could do it and I said yes ! I am always ready for all kind of nonsense and she was happy to have found a vintage lady who was ready for that. She will show us the finished work. I am really curious. 
Lunch break for our staff ! Isn't that a nice "dining room" ?  

and Rosie had to check my purse if it is suitable for a nap.


more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. It must be nice to have the students visit, that is have some young and energetic people around.

  2. The park is gorgeous, but are there enough tables with benches for everyone?

  3. I'm glad the gastroenteritis is over. Since the students are there to learn as well as help, hopefully this will be a learning experience that older people don't like childish activities. On the other hand--maybe some did enjoy the painting. It looks like a good number of people participated. Every activity won't appeal to everyone. It's great your place has such a variety of things to do. That's a nice outdoor area.

    Barbara H. : https://barbaraleeharper.com/2025/03/21/fridays-fave-five-786/

  4. How nice to have young people visiting and interacting. Maybe stardom beckons for you, Ingrid. I hope you can show the final cut.

  5. It looks like it's getting so nice and green there! That sunshine looks wonderful. Looks like there were enough people participating in the painting. Hopefully an activity will be picked that you get to enjoy next time. It is hard being a student and definitely a learning curve for them. But their youthful company must have been nice to have. Glad the restaurant is open again for you all.


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Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !