30 Nov 2024


 I wonder if Belgium will become a large aquarium in which we swim around with fish heads and palms. Each day it rains !

Some of our group went to a shopping mall that I know by heart, but it was certainly an experience for them, even though they came back half-dead late in the afternoon, during which we had a cozy coffee chat.

The next day I got an email that a parcel had arrived and I had to pay 30 € ! I got very angry because I had payed everything and didn't understand why I should pay on top the delivery by post ! So I made a big mess which was interrupted by the mailman who brought me my new license plate and asked me to pay 30 € ! I had mixed up two deliveries. The mailman will take the old one with him as soon as the new ones are fixed. I think it is a bad day and I have to pay attention ! Now everything is OK and Rick has no license plate anymore. 

First thing in the morning our man for everything came to fix the license plates ! Now I have a new car ! As there was a classical concert for the monthly birthdays celebration in the afternoon, and that's not my taste at all, I took my freshly washed car , the weather was wonderful for once and I drove a bit around and went to a newly opened shop, but there were so many people that I didn't buy anything and hurried home. I was just in time for the coffee, the concert was finished, and some people woke up. 

I got a phone call from my health insurance to tell me that I will get a parking card for disabled people because of m breathing problems. Good news, because it's sometimes difficult to carry my shopping to the car when it is parked too far. Fortunately there are still very helpful people, especially young men, who propose to carry my bag to my car ! I will probably get it in a month. 

It has become very cold ! For the first time this morning the park was white ! It hadn't snowed, it was the frost. This is the view out of my window.


 In the afternoon we played a quiz about Belgium ! It was a catastrophe, I think everybody had slept at school. The only one who knew nearly all answers was 96 old André, who is as large as high and sits in a wheelchair because he is too heavy for his knees. He is a very funny guy and it is amazing what he knows in all sections ! When it came to the question how many beer
brands are produced in Belgium. Half of the participants answered 6 to 10 and were very much surprised that more then 1.500 brands were brewed ! I knew it because I had recently written about the Belgian beer in my blog. 

Today I better stay home black Friday starts and there will be a lot of people  !



more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. That’s good about the disabled parking tag. And it’s nice to have the license plate taken care of. I stayed home on Black Friday, too.

  2. Frost makes everything sparkle, but it's best to stay indoors in the warm.

  3. I'm glad you will have a disabled tag to help you with your carrying your shopping bags. And good news that the license plate issue is fixed.
    It does look very cold there. Stay warm! And I hope Rosie is warm, too.

  4. The frosty park view is very lovely to look at from inside your warm and cozy apartment. :)


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Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !