28 Jun 2024


On Monday summer decided to show its nose after half a year of more winter then spring and a lot of rain. I did a little bit of walking but the air was not so good, I quickly got breathless and spent the afternoon with the others on the terrace and we all enjoyed this day.

I didn't even go out to do my shopping I had enough fruits in my fridge and decided to be on holidays now ! While a few attended the mass, the others were sitting in the shade on the terrace and told stories of their childhood. Some visitors came and it became quite animated, one servant brought a table on wheels

outside with coffee, juices, water, fruits and cookies and later came another one with ice cream ! We were really spoiled


Even one of the 6 castle cats settled down on an old armchair which should be thrown away, but she enjoyed it and observed us from far.

As the sun became very hot, the umbrellas were taken out from their winter place and brought us the very welcomed shade !

On Wednesday a primary school class came to perform dances. I saw them arriving and watched from my window. As it was so warm they danced outside on the terrace, watched by residents, they got a lot of applause !

During the night I woke up and my room appeared in a blue light. It was so clear and then I saw why, from my bed I could see a huge moon that appeared like an enormous ball in the sky.

It looked a bit eery but romantic at the same time ! I had seldom seen such a big moon. 

After this hot day, the temperature dropped by half and suddenly we had 16° in the morning.

I took the opportunity to do my shopping, and returned quickly, as I wasn't feeling "normal" ! Fortunately the afternoon was nice and we all had a lot of fun playing "Mikado" but with sticks made for half blind people. As we all still had a good view we had to laugh when we saw the sticks ! And believe it or not, the once who looked real frail won and pulled out the most of sticks !!

This week I really felt like being on holidays, the only thing I was missing was swimming. I have to look at the new built Swimming pool in the city, apparently it is very nice. 

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. Nothing like watching small kids dancing in each other's company.

  2. Sounds like summer finally arrived for all to enjoy after all the cold and wetness!

    You do have so much to keep you happy where you are living, it is a beautiuful place!!

    I had to grin: When the weather was damp and dreary everyone wanted sun, and when the sun arrived you had to block it out with the umbrellas! LOL! Same here...

  3. It's so good to have a mix of ages - everyone benefits. Nice to have some sun, too.

  4. The table on wheels and umbrellas not only kept the group comfortable in the heat, but looked lovely as well.

  5. I'm so glad your castle has such a nice variety of activities. I'm sure the umbrellas were a big help on the terrace. How sweet to watch the children perform.

  6. Looks like you had a lovely day! Especially with cats!

  7. Change in the outside temperature, affects how we feel; so we should act accordingly - stay inside and enjoy the day with the others. And that's what you've cleverly done.


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