14 Jul 2024



Arthur and Charlie, both gone over the rainbow bridge








My son  and grandson came for the weekend, combining visiting his friend and friend's son, they know each other since their first month of life !

As he arrived around 7 pm. on Friday evening, the three of us had a very nice real pizza in a real Italian restaurant, where nothing had changed in the Italian kitchen, which is usually the case, that they adapt to the food of the country they work. It had been excellent. 

On Saturday afternoon Dario came visiting me and we spent the afternoon together, and had a coffee with the other residents. He changed the place of my fridge which had been just underneath my TV and that disturbed me. Now it looks nice, it's out of my view besides the entrance. Then we were looking for a bank card reader, which of course we didn't find. I have to look another time or ask for a new one.  I have everything in my phone, I don't know for what the reader is good now, everything has changed. Toby stayed with his friend, they hadn't seen each other "life" since a few month, and the last time both had the same size and now Toby is taller !

Benji is 5 month older then Toby and is also tall. Toby measures now 1.87 m, and I became the little one !

At 5pm Dario returned and I was a bit tired. I had my supper, watched a little movie and then went to bed. Suddenly at 11pm somebody made a firework and I could see it from my bed ! It was very beautiful and lasted quite long ! As it is not allowed to do fireworks in the middle of the year without official reason like New Year or National Day, they certainly got a fine. 

On Sunday they both came early afternoon,  after having played Golf both with their sons. We made a a walk around the park and then saw the others coming on the terrace to play a game. Toby asked me if he could join and I told him of course you can and finally all three of us took a seat. One of them looked up at Dario and shouted, “you are so tall, you scare me ! ” we laughed !

They both had a lot of fun.  The game was simple: someone drew a card with a word on it, e.g. "Superman." Of course, not everyone knew the good Superman, so we helped a little and Kim pointed to his socks with the Superman pictured on them. To which the good lady's answer was "aww, that's Tino Rossi." We had to laugh so much that some of them actually cried. I don't know if he was known outside France, but here he was very famous singer to those who were in their 90. My grandson also had a lot of fun, especially when the answers weren't correct at all. 

I was happy that both weren't bored, it seemed that they appreciated to play with us oldies ! and we appreciated too, to have  younger generations amongst us !

Then it was time to drive home to Amsterdam and after having waved good bye I returned to the others and had my coffee.

We chatted together the main subject was the size of my two men ! It's impossible to loose them !




  1. You all had an enjoyable weekend. Toby is a handsome boy - he'll break a few hearts later on.

  2. That's a lovely photo of the 3 of you. Toby has certainly got tall - he'll be looking down on his Dad before long!

  3. Such adorable angels. They do bring us such joy.

    I'm glad you had a visit with your son and grandson. You're a most good looking family.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Hugs. ♥

  4. Scritches to Rosie. As soon as I hit the publish button I knew I forgot Rosie. ♥

  5. What a treasure you have with your beautiful family and sweet Rosie too ~ such love surrounds you, hugs,

    Wishing good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. It seems your son and grandson had as much enjoymdnt visiting you as you did with them! Toby might well get to be as tall as his dad!

  7. You're very nicely dressed in the photo with your son and grandson (you standing in the middle) !

  8. Arthur and Charlie were adorable.


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