17 Jun 2024


who is that ?

Discovering the computer

She was so little that I had to give her my bread basket as bed !

As my cats approached their 15th years, I thought I will take for once a cat to my taste, and I found little Rosie, who was just born on June 5th, a young couple had three kitten and there were two tuxis a male and a female. I choose the female. After 6 weeks I picked her up and brought her home. She was and still is a very little cat, and these pictures show the first days in our house with her companions. Her cat became Arthur. All this happened 18 years ago and now she keeps me company in "my" castle. 

Linking to AWWW MONDAYS 



Summer or even spring is still not present, we had rain the whole weekend and a very strong wind ! A real summer weather. There is no season anymore and I am still wearing the same clothes, except the winter coat. 

Fortunately as activity we played mini golf ! We had to play inside with the mean we had, and it went very nice and we had a lot of  fun. I thought I would never make it but from 5 balls I put 4 in a paper beaker ! I was the second, amazingly we all played rather good !


Sunday morning I dedicated myself to my person so that I remained somewhat "pretty".

In the afternoon  we played Scrabble ! It had been a long time that I hadn't scrabbled with a human ! I scrabbled on my tablet. But Kim found 4 girls for me who were keen to play scrabble too. 

I was the only one who knew the game but everybody understood quite quickly ! We were two in the age of 80s and two in the 90s. And who won? the 91 year old one,  who found the best words. She was proud and really happy and we promised to play together even without our animator. 

The game was followed by our coffee, this time with a chocolate muffins. My friend Laure came around 5 to say goodbye to me because she was going on a trip to Norway. Hopefully she doesn't have such a lousy weather as we have here. 

We spent the whole afternoon chatting about our dear sons and she about the worries she has with her grandchildren. Not she personally, but the parents, the dear grandchildren are in the middle of puberty! So I had a nice Sunday and now that it is bedtime the sun is coming out!!


  1. Even if desexed, I've heard it is better to have pets of the opposite sex to each other. They should get along better, and Arthur and Rosie did.

  2. How cute baby Rosie was!!
    Mini golf sounds like fun, and I too, love scrabble! When I was visiting relatives in The Netherlands, I even played scrabble in Dutch! I didn't win, but I had my cousins amazed at how well, I did do.

  3. Rosie was such a sweet kitten and is a lovely little cat now to keep you company.

  4. Rosie was so very small. They bring us such joy.

    Sorry you had rain all weekend. Rain and strong winds makes for staying indoors.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Scritches to Rosie. ♥


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