5 Mar 2025


1. What do you love most about March? 

Nothing, maybe with the global warming it will be warmer in March as the other years, but honestly I don't have a lot of hope !

2. Hey! Did you know March is National Celery Month? Do you like celery? What's something you make (or like to order out) that calls for celery? 

No, I didn't know and that doesn't matter, as I don't like celery at all ! I would never order a Celery dish !

3. I am still standing (Elton John) lyrics here is the soundtrack to my life right now. 

4. Share a favorite motivational quote for overcoming challenges. 

I have no overcoming challenges, I think challenges belong to the past in my case

5. The Hodgepodge lands on Ash Wednesday this year. Do you participate in Lent in some way? If so tell us more. 

Coming from a part of Germany where Carnival is very important, from childhood on we dressed up and watched the carnival parades that stretched for miles. Later, as teenagers and even as married women, we always celebrated carnival and attended all parties and danced until early mornings.


 Here I am as a Dutch girl

Arabian girl


6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I'm starting to think that I'm never satisfied ! Since Monday the sun has been shining as if it was being paid for, and that makes me angry because I want to go out and sit in the sun, walk around in the park, but for that it is far too cold I would have to dress like living in the North Pole, instead I sit here in my room and be annoyed by the dust that the sun's rays suddenly make visible and instead of birds flying trough the air I see dust art on the furniture. My cleaner will also be happy !




1 comment:

  1. 4. To overcome challenges:
    “When the going gets tough, the tough get going". Thanks dad :)


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !