21 Oct 2024


 The choice ....

Linking to AWWW MONDAYS 



On Sunday I had a theater play and hoped that I could go ! My friend Laure had bought the tickets and it was to a special price for seniors in the afternoon. When I woke up everything seemed to be OK and I called her that I am ready to go !

I left nearly an hour earlier, because it is very difficult to find a parking space, but I was lucky, with my little car I found one immediately and therefore had to wait 45 min in my car. Then I sat in the entrance hall of the theater and waited for my friend. I didn't know anybody and was surprised that a lot of people came over to me and said hello and asked me what I had become etc etc. The worst is I suffer from prosopagnosia (face blindness), that means I only can recognize a person when I see her often or belongs to people I know, family and friends,  or if the person is very ugly or very beautiful. That's a terrible disease because at important events I meet somebody who knows everything about my life, and I try desperately to find out who it is ! It was always a nightmare when I had to go with Rick to company events and in the restroom women asked me the latest news and I had to rake my brain to find out who it was ! Fortunately I am on the first stage of this disease, there are people they don't recognize their mother's faces only the voice and the gestures. 

So I sat there and greeted people with a ??? sign in my eyes, until the friendly person reminded me where I had seen her ! Even one of my castle who had been with us for a month because of a broken hip, and her friends. I was relieved when my friend finally showed up and we could take our seats.

The play was awful ! Most of the people slept or dozed and I tried to understand the play ! it was so confusing and not at all for seniors. I still wonder why people are unable to think like an old person, or old persons have forgotten their youth. We escaped quickly as soon as the play was finished and went for a coffee "gourmand"

It is a nice strong coffee with three different little cakes. It was delicious and finally the best of our theater afternoon ! Then she went home and I too. 

On Sunday my mood sank, I felt again not OK. I hoped that after lunch it would be better and finally I decided to join the others half an hour later for a very interesting Quiz. I was greeted as if I had been absent for at least a year, and that did good. Meanwhile Jeanine had tidied up her new room and asked me to look at it, and I have to say she had done a wonderful job. She had taken some ideas from my room and as we both have the same room size she could make it. Indeed this room has two big window doors which makes the room bright and clear. Much better then the flat she had together with her husband. 

Soon there will be no double rooms anymore, only singles, because old couples instead as it is written in romantic books that couples are staying together forever, when one partner looses his head the other becomes really angry and the nurses have to pay attention that they don't kill each other ! It had happened that a woman had broken a vase on her husband's head, because he had told her "shut up" ! It's better to laugh in these cases ....


  1. I am curious as to whether people you know, know about your blog?
    It was nice that you were remembered and coffee and cake made up for the bad play.
    Yes, I can imagine problems with shared rooms. I don't think we have shared rooms here.

  2. Love your sweet Kitty finding a nice place to sleep.

  3. Sorry that the outing (apart from the coffee and cakes) was disappointing. Hope you're better today.

  4. Awww, Rosie knows what she wants and her mom makes sure she has what she wants.

    I'm sorry the play was awful. The coffee and dessert looks fabulous. The beat part of the outing.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Scritches to Rosie. ♥


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !