19 Jun 2024


1. It's National Splurge Day...what's something you might splurge on today? What have you splurged on recently? 

Apparently I am on strike this day, because I have nothing to splurge, since a few months it's raining and cold and I prefer to stay in my "castle" and not to go out !  It's actually good for my wallet, but there is always Internet ! Danger ! But honestly I am too lazy to surf the online shops !

2. Do you have a beach bag? What's in it? Is a trip to the beach on your summer bucket list? Do you have a summer bucket list? 

Of course I have a beach bag ! What's in it ? NOTHING ! Although the coast is not far only 100 km, but the weather is so cold that you can only walk along the beach  dressed  for an expedition to the North Pole.

Unfortunately nobody knows when summer will finally move into Belgium, therefore no bucket list is necessary ! 

3. What's a song that makes you think of a summer past? What comes to mind when you hear it? What memories does it stir up for you? 

No song reminds me of summer, the last 4 years I've had so many worries that I couldn't even think of songs!

Even in normal times in the past, or when I was a young girl, I loved music but not one song which would remind me summer holidays !

4. Sushi-yay or nay? Have you actually tried it? If you love it what's your go-to order? 

A big YES ! I love Sushi and Rick loved them too ! On special occasions he always asked to order a Sushi meal, and when we went out it was either for real Italian food in a special restaurant or we ordered a plate of Sushi, a huge portion of all kind, Rick had a good appetite !

Sushi supper with a friend

5. I own a ridiculous amount of

Cat figurines, which some people find probably ridiculous. My grandson counted nearly 500 when I lived in the apartment, but I had far more in our house. I sold them or gave them away, and now in my "castle" I have kept a little collection ! 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

For the moment I have no special thoughts, I just live my "castle" life. I have a new neighbor, a friendly lady, very skinny who once was certainly a beauty, still is ! But I don't know her yet, but she seems to me a little exuberant and is a bit strange. I will see in a few weeks, she told me that her husband died 3 days ago, which seems impossible, or maybe she is still under shock. 

I also wonder how long this winter weather will last, maybe we switch with Australia, and have our summer in winter and winter in Summer. Then we also could make a barbecue in the warm sunshine ! Who knows !


  1. That is a lot of cat figurines, but it they bring you joy they're harmless. Hope sunny skies and warm weather comes your way soon!

  2. California Dreaming by the Mamas and Papas became famous just a couple of years before I met my then boyfriend, now spouse. He lived in Sydney then, the surfing capital of Australia and although the surf made me anxious, the beaches were amazing.

  3. That IS a lot of kitties!!
    I collect 'tambours', (Military Drummers)..and have well over three hundred of them. Sme are quite large and others are the tin fiugures of tin soldier collections. One of my ancestors was a drummer in the dutch army in the mid 1700's.

    I do hope you get some summertime there...here we have a bad heat wave, around 35C, and heat indexes of around 40C. UGH! It is very humid which makes it terrible. I do think I might rather be cold...

    1. You are the first one I know who collects Drummers ! Usually people collect owls and elephants !

  4. One day the sun will shine - probably to be followed by weeks of rain! On balance, I'd rather be cold than hot.

  5. What a great collection of cat figurines. Hope it warms up for you soon.


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