22 Jun 2024


On Monday it rained as usual, what else could I expect ! If you walk on the grass it's like walking on a big sponge ! In the afternoon a magician was supposed to come, he arrived half an hour late, unfortunately he couldn't magic away the rain or the heavy traffic.

It was a very young man or at least he looked as if he was 16 with Harry Potter glasses on his nose. 

He made some tricks with cards, let disappear things, but he definitively wasn't a David Copperfield !  He did his best and we watched with interest, but for most of us it was a "déjà vu". 

When they had their mass, I went to the part of Waterloo where I had the apartment and went to a shop which I can't find near the castle. As I was already in the area, I called my ex neighbor Nicole (another one) and asked if I could see her for a moment. She was happy to see me and told it to the other neighbor who also came over and we chatted together the whole afternoon. Now they are both in their 80 and still live alone in these big apartments. But both have family here who helps when they need them. They are not alone like I was. I returned home and was happy to find my cozy room, it has become my retreat when I want to be alone, without being alone.

What is so nice that every day we have an activity in the afternoon. Meanwhile we become more and more even the oldest are there 99 and sometimes  100 years old ! They love games with finding words, there are a lot ! This time we played one which is called "Hangman" (le pendu). You have to find a word and each time you choose a letter which is not in the word you have to add something on the Hangman, a head, eyes, nose etc

These games are very much appreciated and we always laugh a lot. Sometimes an outside game is foreseen but then it rains and Kim our animator has to be very creative  ! We should play mini golf, but as it rained we played in the restaurant, inside "golf". A box served as a gate and a cup stood in the middle. The golfer now had to shoot the ball into the cup. I managed 4 out of 5 balls and one who shot off blindly, all 5 balls! Was she happy ! 

The second animator is a girl and started on Monday. She is very nice and physically the opposite from Amandine who has started in another residence. Amandine was a beauty, dark hair and eyes, Eleonor is light blonde and has blue eyes.
Here we had to pull out a piece of wood without the tower collapsing! It wasn't easy, but I did it!
For the moment this simple life is doing me a lot of good. After all, I have to recover from almost 5 years of stress and poor health. In the morning I work on my blog and answer emails, then I'm served lunch, I prefer to eat in my room and not yet in the restaurant,  and then, if it doesn't rain, I go for a walk in the park. The doctor recommended this to me, I don't like doing it but I force myself to do it. And in the afternoon we play games together or I go shopping or visit old friends. I'm slowly feeling better, but I am still not completely comfortable in my skin. It's only 2 years, that Rick is gone and I still have to learn that now I am alone. I am here now since November and I think I made progresses. 

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. When talking to people, I keep saying 'we', rather than 'I', as I now should. I wonder if that will stop one day.

  2. When my parents sold their house and moved to a retirement village, they weren't short of a social life. But they were afraid their mental life might weaken somewhat, so they enrolled in the bridge club during their first week there and played regularly. It was wonderful.

  3. I think you are quite active, considering! And yes, a simple life is refreshing for the mind, when the stresses are all gone!

  4. These things take time and you have made 2 big moves in a short space of time. I'm glad you are starting to feel better.

  5. I wonder if there are any chess players in your castle. That is the best game ever. I remember playing hangman as a child and then with my child. These games keep the mind active at any age.

  6. Life can be quite interesting even in old age, given the right facility with the right practices. Your 'castle' seems to be an ideal facility for you and the other residents.

  7. I'm glad there is a nice balance between time alone and time playing or talking with others.

  8. You made a brave but sensible decision when you moved to your castle. You seem to have the best of both worlds.

  9. You have made such good progress and every day seem brighter. Two years is a very short time to adjust to such a huge change.

  10. It is wonderful that you have made that progress. Grief has no timeline, it's a one day, one step at a time. It's a big decision to make but it's good to hear that your "castle" has brought new friends and activities you can enjoy.


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