26 Oct 2024


On Monday I had an appointment with my doctor's replacement. I needed some medication and I also wanted to know who to talk to, if I ever needed a doctor. My doctor had a burnout and was on sick leave until mid-December. That's a long time. But it's no wonder she took so much time for her patients that I once told her to slow down a bit. We had become very close because she had accompanied Rick until his last moment.

I immediately liked the young woman who replaced her, she looked as if she was still in High School. The first contact was real good and now she knows me better, I only have to make a blood test that's always good, at least hidden diseases are often discovered. 

In the night of Monday to Tuesday at 2 am I woke up because the fire alarm made a hell of a noise through the whole castle. I waited a bit, but it continued and nothing happened. After half an hour I jumped out of my bed put my bathrobe on, the long corridor was empty not a soul in sight. At the reception the doors were wide open and the one to the park too. The two night nurses looked a little lost and tried their best to stop the alarm. Nothing to do, I tried to read the instruction and followed them pushed on the button, nothing to do the hellish noise continued ! Meanwhile Lilli, another resident joined me and together we tried to stop the alarm. 

The male nurse had the alarm company on the phone, it was a real mess. Finally I had enough. The residents on the first and apparently second floor were all deaf and slept like babies ! I had FOUR ear plugs in my ears and still heard the alarm. As usual when I have enough I explode, I called the firefighters, I thought if there is a fire somewhere, they can and also stop the alarm ! 

Ten minutes later I found myself in front of a fully dressed fireman, with mask, gloves and he certainly had the volume of twice himself. The boots were impressive, I hope I didn't keep my mouth open ! I had seen so many fire fighters in movies but in reality they look different as on a screen !! 

Meanwhile it had been 3 h that the alarm did his work ! I told the fireman what happened and then excused myself and returned to my room, I was exhausted, on my way back there was my neighbor, leaning at her door and crying. She sobbed that she couldn't stand the noise anymore, I was close to that too, despite ear plugs, pushed her softly inside and on her bed and made a sign to sleep ! then I disappeared in my room, in my bed and tried to sleep. But I still could hear the alarm and then at 5 am, silence ! Unbelievable ! After 4 hours of torture, there was silence. 

The next day I wanted to hear what had happened after I had left ! The firemen couldn't stop the alarm system either !! They called the company which had installed this more then efficient alarm and asked them to sent somebody to stop the alarm. Now the company was located somewhere in the wild west, and it took them one hour to arrive. I suppose that now they will install another alarm or at least repair it ! I was really jealous that no one had heard this hellish noise and congratulated me for having called the firefighters.

All these excitements had influenced my asthma and the next days I only could walk very slowly and the slightest effort left me breathless.

Now I wonder if the castle's ghost is deaf too, because I haven't seen it !



more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. I hope the alarm has been mended or replaced and won't upset everyone again. What a horrible night you had.

  2. That's awful. I get tense when ours goes off for a few minutes--I can't imagine hours of that. I hope they fixed it or at least told how to shut it off.

  3. That's scary. Staff need to know what to do in these situations. I hope they have fixed it now and also that the management review their procedures. Surely in the first instance people should be leaving the building? Yes in this case it was a false (and faulty it seems) alarm, but what if it wasn't? I hope you're having a more peaceful weekend.

  4. False alarms are dangerous as they do break down trust. You wrote so interestingly about the event, however, that it was a thoroughly enjoyable read. Hope you're back to better soon and no ghosts suddenly appear. :)


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !