5 Oct 2024


I started the week with an appointment at the bank. Now to get an appointment (by phone) count at least more than an hour before you get a human being on the phone and if you are lucky it's the right service. Finally after having spent nearly the whole morning on the phone I got an appointment for Monday ! It lasted 15 min, with the result that I told the girl that I am client since 45 years but now I am fed up with their mess, they had fused again but not with another bank but with the Post ! and suddenly without my agreement I found myself with an account at the post. I was really angry, went home, called my other bank, could come the next day whenever I wanted and I will transfer the money and close everything at the "messy" bank. Customer service doesn't exist there ! 

During our activity hour we had to color the Mexican way, skulls ! I refused, I have 20 years of painting lessons behind me and didn't want to go back to Kindergarten ! Instead I made with the material which was there two spiders which had a lot of success and are now hanging in a cobweb on the window ! We are still participating in the contest with the other Retirement residences, so the ideas are coming from I don't know who, but I think he or she should not take us for little kids ! The result is that a few don't come anymore and wait that this program is over. 

 my spiders for Halloween

and the skull which had to be colored !

Cat Rosie refused to eat the new food for old cats, that I had bought for her,  there was nothing to do ! She probably was offended to have to eat food for aged cats !  Finally she won and I gave the two boxes to the man who takes care of the castle cats. He was very happy about this good food. He said that 3 of the cats are 18 to 20 years old, have always lived here in the park, and have always been outside cats ! But they have a little house where the garden tools are stocked, with baskets, blankets cartons a real cat castle !

As activity was announced to bake Halloween cookies ! I didn't like at all to be in a kitchen and bake ! I have never baked cookies or cakes in my life and have no intention to start now ! Fortunately I had my bank as an excuse and disappeared to transfer my accounts from one bank to the other. I was happy to hear that I had nothing to do, they will do everything for me and the service was excellent. Of course I had done researches about this bank and the result was good. I hoped that when I got back home,  the cookie baking was over. When I arrived, the program had been changed and instead they played BINGO ! A game I really appreciate. Well, we will play it again, and I told our animators that I won't participate in baking or cooking ! I don't know why they all laughed.

Kim the animator has already decorated the entrance of the castle ! Now, for nearly the majority of the old residents had never heard about Halloween and were surprised to suddenly see  witches and spiders and other ugly things. I think I have to explain from where it comes and what it was at the beginning. 

We spent a nice afternoon, the sun was shining and I was happy to hear that the manager and her staff held their meetings in another room and not disturbing our games anymore. Apparently she understood that animation for us oldies is very important ! So my complaint was not for nothing, that her meetings shorten our game and coffee time ! Some residents are so lonely that they are waiting for our get together.


more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

1 comment:

  1. You are becoming quite the spokeswoman for the castle residents. 😀


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !