23 Aug 2024


This will be a very short FFF ! I started with a heavy cold on Monday and was feeling terribly the whole week long ! My nose was running and I just felt awful. I remained in my room and watched TV. 

My son meanwhile had left Italy and sent me photos from the lake Geneva where he visited an old school friend whom he had met here in Waterloo, when the Swiss boys father worked in Belgium. They remained friends over all these years, meanwhile married and with a son each. They seemed to have a nice time and I saw that Toby my grandson has grown again and has now reached 1.92 m with his 13 years ! 

The school friend had a motor boat and my men drove it across the lake and surfed too. They had a lot of fun.

 It was nice of him to share his holidays with his old mum, sick in bed and with a depressed mood.

On Thursday it was such a nice warm weather, that I went outside for the first time, sat in the sunshine and enjoyed to be outside again. 

Walking in the park I saw something blue laying on the ground and when I approached I saw a Alzheimer sick resident laying on the ground and screaming "help" of course nobody heard him there was only another resident gardening, but she is deaf. I called the reception and said that somebody had fallen in the park, I don't know his name, I call him Mr. Banana, because he walks always with a banana in his mouth. He doesn't talk and often has only one shoe on. 

In no time 3 nurses and 2 men came running towards the blue spot and with a lot of difficulties they pulled him onto a bench and first looked where and how he was injured. Then they put him in a wheelchair and came back. Nothing serious had happened and an hour later he was again walking in the park with a banana in his mouth !

On Friday I took my car for the first time in the whole week and went to the pharmacy and also bought some fruits in a shop. Exhausted I returned home, I am still quite weak.  

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. My second great grand Mother, Barbara. Came from Switzerland. A town called Graubünden.

  2. Falling in old age, can have serious consequences.

  3. Having an old friend with a motor boat on the lake would be a great way to enjoy a healthy middle age. Then their sons can have a great time too.

  4. I am glad you are feeling better now, and able to walk in the park (and NOT fall).
    Your son and Toby had a great time--what a fun holiday for them. Good, too that they shared the photos with you.
    Have a good week and be well.

  5. I hope you're feeling stronger now. Dario and Toby had a good holiday.

  6. Nice to stay independent and get out in your car occasionally. Few things bring more contentment than knowing your loved ones are safe and finding joy in life.

  7. I'm glad you're feeling better, well enough to go outside and run a few errands. How sad for the man who fell--I'm glad you were able to help and he's ok.

    What a great visit for your son! Timothy keeps growing fast, too, something over 5 feet now and only ten years old. Someday our grandsons will be towering over us. :-)


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