19 Jul 2024


As always, the week started with rain and we had to play cards indoors. Nothing special happened except that I was in a bad mood and preferred to keep my mouth shut. In the evening I took half a sleeping pill that my doctor had prescribed for me because I could never fall asleep, with the result that I slept for 12 hours and only woke up at 10 because Rosie had probably waited long enough for her breakfast and was walking around on me. I probably needed that because I felt much better.

I had been to the City Hall for my new identity card and now I have to wait that I get an email to pick it up myself. Fortunately with me there is no problem, because I still drive but for those in a wheelchair  it becomes a problem, but the lady there told me that in this case an employee comes to them ! That will be the last identity card I will get, because there is no expiring date on it anymore ! The funniest thing was that my picture looked exactly like 10 years ago ! The lady at the counter was surprised, she thought I had brought an old photo. But it's true that you don't see the wrinkles on a photo !

Then the weather changed and it became like it should be in summer ! We could play cards outside and I stayed longer on the terrace.  

I did my little shopping, I needed shampoo and several other little things it was quite hot and I hurried home to play Bingo with the others. That's always funny !

I have tried if my tablet works on the terrace, and it did, but very slow and only when I sat near the entrance ! 

Little Rosie now knows when lunch is served, long before I hear the trolley, she suddenly lifts her head, makes big eyes and licks her mouth. So I know exactly that minutes later, my lunch is served. But she never asks for food, she only likes her cat food, which I don't like ! I could leave a chicken wing and she won't touch it.

3 window cleaners came and poor Rosie was shocked ! Three men in my room ! Like a flash she disappeared under my bed ! They need so many because the castle is big and there are many windows which are large and high ! It took them half a day to clean at least the main part. 

In the afternoon we had a funny card game, where we didn't have to move too much, as the temperature reached now 30° ! And then I talked to a lady who is here because she broke her hip and stays here until she is healed. She likes it very much and we chatted together. The others went inside and waited for their supper. 

Since I had said once that Rosie likes feathers, I found this for her on the table ! Isn't that kind ?

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. We were blessed with rain, too, and really needed it. That's nice that you won't have to deal with getting an identity card again. I'm glad you can still go out when you need to. How great to have someone come in and clean your windows.

  2. It's miserable when you're fed up and don't know why. I'm glad you're feeling happier now. Sunshine helps, too.

  3. Kitties Blue (https://www.thecatonmyhead.com) I have not checked in for such a very long time, and I am very happy to hear that you and Rosie are both doing well. You sound as if you are keeping busy with fun things. What a thoughtful gift someone collected for Rosie. Stay well. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  4. Sometimes we are grumpy because we need sleep. I'm glad you have that medicine from your dr for sleeping.
    Rosie is going to love those feathers. That was a thoughtful gift.
    Clean windows are nice to have, too.
    Have a good week with good weather.

  5. How nice to have clean windows to look through. Glad you were able to get out on the terrace and enjoy some sun and nicer weather. Into the 3rd week of a heat wave I'm wishing we could get some rain.


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