21 Sept 2024


I started the week with an appointment at the dermatologist, for that I had to wait for two months ! It was more then necessary as the cortisone had left a lot of damages on my skin. It was the first time I met her, my usual dermatologist had retired. She was very friendly and I hope she did a good job. I just came back for our coffee time. 

The mass problem has been solved, those who wanted to attend mass went, the others gathered in our restaurant and played UNO. After that was coffee time and those who had gone to mass were angry because there was no priest ! Instead a woman from a catholic organization tried to hold the mass, but the old generation didn't appreciate that it was a woman. It's about time that the catholic church gets modernized ! In Belgium there is only one religion : catholic.

I got a message from my optician that my new glasses were ready, and in the afternoon I picked them up. When I arrived at my car and wanted to start the engine, the motor was on strike. I was angry because I had promised to attend the competition game with the other retirement homes. 

New glasses
It wasn't the battery, it was the shift ! I had left it on E the first gear instead on N neutral, and it doesn't move. It's an automatic car. I tried to force and put it on N but apparently I wasn't strong enough the engine didn't start. I tried to push the lever to N, but it didn't work. Reluctantly I called my car towing service and listened angrily to the entire menu until I finally landed at the right service.

Luckily the towing service came pretty quickly. I saw the young man's face and told him that I could immediately see what he was thinking, another old grandma who knows nothing about cars. He had to laugh and got into the car, pushed the lever to N and the engine started immediately! We both had to laugh and chatted for a while, he filled out his form and disappeared and so did I.

When I arrived I thought I would be in a festival, not of Taylor Swift, but of all Hits of the 60/70 and the residents were dancing to the music and then formed a farandol ! I had never seen them so cheerful, even those in wheelchairs rocked to Elvis' music. There were all the French singing stars and everybody was thinking what had happened in their lives when this or that song was in the Hit Parade. The visitors who arrived made eyes like my little cat Rosie when she sees a dog ! 

This afternoon was a full success. Behind that was me, because I had given a list of famous 60/70 songs to Kim our animator because I was fed up to listen to old songs of the 30th,  the poor boy had been wrong in a generation! Can happen when you're in your late 20s. I had never thought that the music would have such a success !

Each morning before lunch I do my "jogging" through the long corridors of the castle ! There are so many, so far I only managed the first floor, from one end to the other ! It takes me about 10 min and then I go back ! At least here I am not depending on the weather ! I still have to discover 3 other floors !  

long, long corridors

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. You are living the good life.
    Old ladies getting gears wrong give employment to young lads.

    1. I should say young people. It could have been a woman who came to help you.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !