7 Sept 2024


This week went by so fast ! I had to call the doctor, because I had something strange ! When I realized that after taking my medication for the lungs, which contained cortisone was the reason of all skin troubles and  weight increase, I stopped taking it. The result was  like withdrawal symptoms I had read. It was terrible, I had no idea that cortisone was so dangerous ! 

So for three days I couldn't take part in anything and just hung in my armchair. When I felt a little better, I sat down with the others, but couldn't play. 


They had to blow the ball over the water until the last glass 

one stopped because she almost spitted out her dentures as she said. We all laughed but I thought the game was not really for the old ladies some approaching 100 years. But our animators are young and have difficulties sometimes to realize that although the old ladies make an effort because they don't dare to say anything, but later they complain to me.

Today I'm feeling a little better, but I'm still not "normal". My doctor asked for a blood sample and the next morning a nurse came and stuck a needle into my arm. Poor girl, my blood gushed out of the tiny hole, all over her hand, onto my bedside table, onto her blouse and onto the floor! It looked like a pig had been slaughtered in my room ! Poor girl had to clean the mess and told me that she had never had a case like me, I believed her.

Now I have to wait for the results. Nothing else happened this week.



more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. Cortisone withdrawal is a serious issue and I don't think doctors tell patients about it well enough before prescribing it.

    1. It was in a inhalator for my lung disease prescribed by my pneumologist, who didn't warn me ! I think he didn't know the side effects !

  2. Oh wow! I am glad you are feeling better. That's weird about the blood gushing--I wonder if the medication or withdrawal had anything to do with that. Hopefully the doctor can give you something for your lungs that doesn't have cortisone.

  3. I am all for games, music and shared activities. But I have never heard of blowing the ball over the water.

  4. Oh my goodness, I hope you feel better soon. Could the cortisone have thinned your blood and that is why it bled like that. I'm glad you found a few things to be thankful for such as being able to at least feel good enough to sit with others for a bit.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !