30 Aug 2024


On Monday I participated for the first time in our games, I felt still a bit weak from my cold, but much better. The weather was wonderful, very warm and sunny but with a little wind so that we all could gather on the terrace. It seems to me that we are more and more residents participating in our games. 

When I looked out of my window I saw 4 little trucks and an army of gardeners who the whole day spruced up the park. The result was great and the freshly mowed lawn smelled delicious. 

On Tuesday we were asked to gather in the restaurant and the new manager was introduced to us. We were all a bit suspicious, and then very relieved when a young woman introduced herself and was very friendly and likable. In any case, I am sure that she will maintain the family spirit.

Once again I represented those who don't dare to say anything, many behave as if they were still at school and are afraid of the teacher ! Those are mostly 90 years old or more. The younger once are different, the schools had changed and were not all catholic as before.

So I said what needed to be improved, and then she laughed and told me that everything was already on her list. I left together with some others, satisfied with this first meeting. 

I didn't go out at all, because it was so nice staying here and recover. I felt like on holidays. During the week we played with flying disks and to my surprise I was not so bad. 

We also had a Yoga session, and I was surprised how the participants, who were no longer very young, were so agile and enjoyed doing the exercises. To make it even more real, our animators lit incense sticks and played relaxing music. He even brought an Indian gong with him. What was missing was a joint, those who remembered the hippie times laughed, the others didn't know what I was talking about.

And when the time is over, we gather on the terrace and have our afternoon coffee with cake, fruits, and cookies. 

I became friend with one of our cleaning women, who works here since 20 years ! She came from Rwanda and is married and has two children. They always wanted to get married in Rwanda and had prepared a wedding with 200 guests. I have seen the video, what a wedding ! and I got a picture of her in all her beauty as a bride. 

Isn't she pretty ? 

To finish the week, I finally did my little shopping, as I couldn't go out due to my cold and bought some fruits. When I came back I saw my old ladies shooting with a toy gun on colored plastic cups !! and they had a lot of fun ! The best was a 95 year old lady who almost always achieved her goal, as if she had done nothing else in her entire life, although she worked as a doctor's assistant with her husband, who was a doctor and had raised 4 children at the same time ! She was very proud of her performance !

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better and were able to participate in the activities. I love the variety of activities there! I'm glad the new manager sounds like she will work out well. The bride from Rwanda is beautiful!

  2. I'm glad your'e feeling well and that you could do all these nice activities. The new kitchen help sounds wonderful. And I used to support a missionary in Rwanda when I was a little girl,along with my parents. Our church had missionaries there who were in the medical field. That bride is beautiful!! I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  3. I am inspired by your move to your wonderful new home in such beautiful surroundings. You always have someone to talk to and things to do. You made a brave decision to move there but it was the perfect place.

  4. There's always something happening at your castle, which is so good. I'm glad you're feeling better.

  5. Your activities are always so much fun at the castle.
    I'm glad you are feeling better now.
    Yes, the bride is beautiful!

  6. That is great that you like your new director.
    I'm happy that you are feeling so much better, now.
    And your place is full of delightful energy, due to all the activity and participating residents!


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Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !