7 Jul 2007


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Pookie and Rosie after the visit, soo tired

Yesterday my girlfriend came with her little 3 year old grand daughter of course for my kitten Rosie. She hadn't seen her for a while and was enthousiastic that now she could play with little Rosie. After a while she came to me and started her "why ?" questions. She is now in an age where every sentence ends with "why ?"

First she asked me why I don't wear my glasses. I answered I don't need them now, only for TV and driving. Ah, she said "why" ? Patiently I tried to explain why. At the end of my explanations the unavoidable question came "why" ? I tried to change subject and asked her if she liked her "school". Kindergarten is not allowed to say, that's for babies.

She said she liked it very much and that she has a lot of little friends. But ... but what ? I asked. She made a very misterious face and whispered "you know boys are standing while they pee" Hrrm, yes that's true indeed. "Why ?" she asked me.

Now I have to admit I never thought about that and tried to find an adequate answer. She said, "look they do like this !" and put herself in a typical boy pee position (not pole position) Yes, I said, they do it exactly like that. "Why" she asked. I don't know I answered, I always had wondered about that, because they easily could do it in sitting. "Why ?" Because it's more comfortable than standing up I told her. Yes, she said but they have a little tube and I don't have one. That's true I said, because you are a girl and little girls have no tube. "Why ?" she asked. Because, I answered, they are born like that it's just to show the difference between a girl and a boy. (I was very proud about my answer !) She looked very thoughtfully and then turned to Mr. Gattino and asked : "Do you also have a little tube ?"

The Manneken Piss in Brussels


  1. HAHAHA!

    When I was born (at home) I'm told that my brother, older by 3 years, asked if mine will grow with my teeth.


  2. Isn't that just adorable??? I loved it!

  3. Ooooh, Gattina, sounds like you were getting deeper and deeper into the mire with that little one...heheh!

    That "why" age is very challenging, isn't it, lol!

  4. That is so sweet!

  5. Excellent! Les enfants nous laissent complètement désarmés!
    J'espère que tu passes un très bon moment avec ton "grand petit"!
    Que lui as tu préparé comme bon repas?
    Mar m'a envoyé sa photo et elle a vu la mienne dans mon blog. Et puis on ira jusqu'à son hôtel comme ça impossible de la manquer!
    Bon je vais aller faire une petite sieste car je suis allée chercher les filles qui étaient dans un night club à 4 heures du matin! Après ça ira mieux!

  6. So funny! I think you handled it admirably!


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